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windows xp fact

The story of Microsoft’s Windows XP begins with the birth of two projects - "Odyssey", which was intended to succeed the future Windows 2000, and "Neptune", which was intended for mass consumers. 

Later on the company was reported to have dropped the two projects for a new one code named - The Whistler. On February 5, 2001, the company officially announced that Whistler would be known as Windows XP, with XP being short for "experience". On August 24, 2001, Windows XP build 2600 was finally released to manufacturing. 


- The default desktop photo in Windows XP is called ''Blis'', and it was taken by a former National Geographic photographer named Charles O'Rear. It was taken in the Napa Valley and was selled for the worlds second biggest payment for a single image.

- More than 90 percent of Windows XP copies in China are pirated

- It is estimated that at least 400 million copies of Windows XP were sold globally within its first five years of availability, and at least one billion copies were sold by April 2014.


Windows XP was released in two major editions on launch; Home Edition, and Professional. Along the way, three service packs came out, that offered major bug fixes and additional options. 

It is estimated that at least 400 million copies of Windows XP were sold globally within its first five years of availability, and at least one billion copies were sold by April 2014. As of March 2014, it was estimated that half a billion copies of this OS were still in use. Around the same time, it was estimated that about 95 percent of the worlds ATM machines ran on XP. 

On April 14, 2009, Windows XP exited mainstream support and entered the Extended Support phase. The curtains will finally fall on this legendary operating system on July 14, 2015, Microsoft will continue stop providing Security Essentials virus definitions and updates for its Malicious Software Removal Tool (MSRT) for XP. 


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The Bliss:

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