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Windows 8 Shortcuts

Windows 8 Shortcuts  

Uploaded by berndupdated on 10/27/2012 by bernd
Platform: Windows/ English
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minus1. Getting around Windows 8 Start Screen and Desktop
WinToggle between Desktop and Start Screen (or open Apps)
Ctrl+TabOn Start Screen: Switch Between Start Window and All Apps Window
Win, then Ctrl+TabOpen All Apps Window
Win, then start typing App NameSearch and execute Apps
EscapeClose Start Screen and go to Desktop
Win+ERun Explorer on Desktop
Win+RExecute Run on Desktop
Win+XOpen Power User Commands on Desktop
Alt+F4Shutdown Windows
Win+LLock Computer
Win+F1Open Windows Help
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minus2. Windows 8 Charme Shortcuts
Tip: Pressing Escape typically closes most Charme menus.
Win+COpen Windows Charme. Use arrow keys and enter to select item. Press
Win+QSearch Charme / last search option
Win+FSearch Files
Win+WSearch Windows Settings
Win+IOpen Settings including Desktop, Control Panel, Personalization, PC Info, Help
Win+HShare Charme
Win+KDevice Charme
Win+SSearch Settings
Win+FSearch Files
Win+ZShow Options / App Bar in current Metro Apps if available.
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minus3. Switch between Apps and Windows
Alt+Tab and Alt+Shift+TabCycle between all Windows and Apps. Press and hold Alt key before pressing Tab. Release Tabon Window/App you want to open. While tabbing, add Shift to key combination to go backwards.
Ctrl+Alt+Tab then Arrow KeysCycle between open Apps without having to keep Alt pressed. Press keys once, then use Arrowkeys and Enter to select Window/App.
Win+Tab and Win+Shift+TabSame as Alt+Tab, but only includes Apps only, not Windows on Desktop
Ctrl+Win+Tab, then Arrow keysSame as Ctrl+Alt+Tab, but only includes Apps, not Desktop Windows
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minus4. Power User Commands Shortcuts
These are also listed in the Power User Command Window. Sorted by their (subjective) importance.
Win+XPControl Panel
Win+XTTask Manager
Win+XEFile Explorer (alternative: Win+e)
Win+XRRun (alternative: Win+r)
Win+XDDesktop (alternative: Win+d)
Win+XFPrograms and Features
Win+XCCommand Prompt
Win+XAElevated Command Prompt (Admin)
Win+XYSystem Information
Win+XMDevice Manager
Win+XGComputer Management
Win+XBMobility Center
Win+XOPower Options
Win+XVEvent Viewer
Win+XKDisk Management
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minus5. Managing Windows 8 Desktop Windows
WinGo to desktop / switch between Desktop and Start Screen or Apps
Win+Arrow UpMaximize Window across screen
Win+Arrow DownMinimize Window (if Restored) or set Window to Restored (if Maximized)
Win+Shift+Arrow UpMaximixe Window vertically
Win+Arrow Right/Arrow LeftMove Window to left/center/right. Works across multiple monitors
Win+Shift+Arrow RightArrow Left"Move window to left monitor / to right monitor when using multiple monitors
Alt+SpaceOpens the title bar menu
F11Turn full page view on or off
Alt+QClose Window
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minus6. Windows 8 Taskbar
Win+TGo to first item in Taskbar, continue with arrow keys
Win+BGo to first item in System Tray
Shift+click on a taskbar itemStart new instance of Taskbar item
Ctrl+Shift+click on a taskbar itemStart new instance of Taskbar item as administrator
Shift+right-click on a taskbar itemShow the window menu for the program
Win+1...9Switch to application in position N on Taskbar (or launch pinned application)
Shift+Win+1...9Start new instance of taskbar item in position N on Taskbar
Unfortunately, Microsoft removed the possibility to select multiple taskbar items in Windows 7 (and did still not re-introduce in Windows 8)
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minus7. Navigating Desktop
Arrow KeysNavigate between and select single icons on desktop (when focus is on the desktop)
Home/EndSelect first / select last object on desktop
EnterLaunch active object
Shift+F10Activate context menu of active icon by simulates right mouse button. Once in the context menu usearrow keysa-z and enter to select item
TabShift+Tab on empty desktopNavigate between desktop, the quick-launch bar, task bar and notification bar. Then use arrow keysand enter or space to activate specific icons
ABC, ...Pressing the initial letter of the name of any objects will highlight the respective application or folder. Continue typing the object name if multiple objects start with the same letter
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minus8. Windows Explorer
Win+EStart Windows Explorer
Alt+Arrow UpGo up one folder
Alt+Arrow LeftAlt+Arrow RightGo to previous folder / go to next folder
Tab/Shift+TabSwitch focus forward/ backward between Address bar, Search Bar, Toolbar, Navigation Pane, and File List (Default is usually File List)
Alt+D or F4Jump to the Address bar and select absolute address. Copy address with ctrl+c if desired
Ctrl+E or Ctrl+FJump to Search Box in Explorer
Ctrl+NOpen new instance of Windows Explorer
F11Toggle full-screen mode
minusNavigate File List and Navigation Pane
Arrow KeysNavigate between files and folders
EnterOpen folder or start application
Home/EndJump to first / jump to last item
F2Change the file name of active item
F2, then Arrow LeftArrow RightMove one character to the left / to the right in item name
F2, then CtrlArrow Left/Arrow RightJump one word to the left / to the right of item name
F2, then Home /EndJump to beginning / jump to end of item name
F2, then Ctrl+ASelect all/ complete object name including suffix (default excludes suffix)
Arrow Left/Arrow RightExpand folder / collapse folder (navigation pane only)
minusFile List Views
Alt+PDisplay or hide Preview Pane
Alt+V then DView details. Check View menu for more options
Alt+V then XView extra-large icons. Check View menu for more options
Ctrl+mouse scroll wheelChange size of icons
minusSelect Items in File List and Navigation Pane
Shift+Arrow UpArrow DownSelect multiple adjacent items (directly above or below)
Ctrl with Arrow keys and SpaceSelect multiple non-adjacent items. Hold ctrl, use arrow keys to move to next item, and pressspace to add/remove from selection
Ctrl+ASelect all
A ...Z and 1..9Press the initial letter any item to jump to it. Continue typing the full name if multiple items start with the same letter
minusManage Items in Explorer
Ctrl+Cctrl+Xctrl+VCopy, Cut, Paste
Ctrl+ZUndo an action
Ctrl+YRedo an action
DeleteDelete an item and place it into the Recycle Bin
Shift+DeleteDelete an item permanently without placing it into the Recycle Bin
Shift+F10Activate context menu of active object. Replaces the right mouse button. Once in the context menu use arrow keysa-z and enter to get to the selection
Ctrl+Shift+NCreate new folder
Alt+EnterOpen Properties dialog box
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minus9. The Rest
Win+UOpen Ease of Access Center
Win+PProjector or second screen settings.
Alt+ShiftChange keyboard language layout if multiple language layouts are active*


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