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Data of 10 Million Voter’s from 9 States is on sale in Dark Web

The voter documents being tendered for purchase covers the voter’s full first, last and middle name, voter ID, DOB, citizen status, party association, household address and additional details. The data applies to voters in Arkansas, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Michigan, Ohio, Oklahoma and Washington State.
Over the closing two days, voter databases of at least couple of the states Arkansas and Ohio were traded for a mere $2 each, or a sum of $4 for about 10 million voter records. That implies financial profit is not the main reason for the project, according to Lookingglass.
‘Logan,’ the person who has posted the data and is trading it on a site called RaidForums, has indicated at holding voter records for an extra 20 to 25 states, says Jonathan Tomek, director of threat research at Lookingglass Cyber Solutions.
Logan seems to have got the voter information by Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) inquiries, website applications, and also through social engineering them from cases where an entity would unless be needed to purchase the information, he says.
What makes his actions additionally criminal is his effort to sell the data for plans other than political purposes, he wrote. Many states prevent the republishing of citizen data or the use of it for business purposes. Violators can face fine and penitentiary terms of up to five years.
“Logan is not affiliated with any organization to our knowledge,” Tomek says. “We think he is acting alone. I can tell he is over 18, moves a bit internationally, and runs for a cyber security company,” he says.
Tomek states Lookingglass does not hold information on whence many people might have bought the voter data or what they sway do with it. “We do understand he is actively selling this knowledge for other stolen things such as credit slips and login credentials,” he says. “The organization of the voter knowledge plus the other data has likely to be very bad since the voter data contains birthday, home location, email, and full name.”


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