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debian cis hardening script

download deb from release

sudo dpkg -i cis-hardening.deb patch is not installable sudo apt install -f

default debian sudo /opt/cis-hardening/bin/ --audit-all Total Available Checks : 243 Total Runned Checks : 243 Total Passed Checks : [ 130/243 ] Total Failed Checks : [ 113/243 ] Enabled Checks Percentage : 100.00 % Conformity Percentage : 53.49 %

--set-hardening-level Modifies the configuration to enable/disable tests given an hardening level, between 1 to 5. Don't run this if you have already customized the scripts enable/disable configurations. 1: very basic policy, failure to pass tests at this level indicates severe misconfiguration of the machine that can have a huge security impact 2: basic policy, some good practice rules that, once applied, shouldn't break anything on most systems 3: best practices policy, passing all tests might need some configuration modifications (such as specific partitioning, etc.) 4: high security policy, passing all tests might be time-consuming and require high adaptation of your workflow 5: placebo, policy rules that might be very difficult to apply and maintain, with questionable security benefits



kicksecure has many hardening 


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