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flex manual install

 install chrome os flex from linux without USB

sudo dnf install cgpt pv

find latest brunch release branch at this time its r126

get rid of these lines from install_singleboot()

            image="$(dirname $0)/rootc.img"
            size=$(du --apparent-size -B 512 $image | sed 's/\t.*//g')
            if [ -z legacy_boot ]; then image="$(dirname $0)/efi_secure.img"; else image="$(dirname $0)/efi_legacy.img"; fi
            size=$(du --apparent-size -B 512 $image | sed 's/\t.*//g')

for dualboot maybe similarly from install_dualboot() 7) and 12) options , haven't tested

download chrome os flex image
or direct link via web or wget

unzip or 7z x
inflating: chromeos_15393.58.0_reven_recovery_stable-channel_mp-v2.bin


sudo chrome.img /dev/nvme0n1
this will erase disk completly

ROOT-A is copied to partition 3,5 and KERN-B to 2,4 ; KERN-B and KERN-A looks identical

for postinstall fix we need to mount /dev/nvme0n1p12 and modify efi/boot/grub.cfg to match root=UUID=xxx of the cros partition wtih label root-A

i did manually there is postinstall script here
sudo bash

# use your install disk name
# grab name of 12th EFI-SYSTEM partition
EFIPART=`flock "${DST}" sfdisk -lq "${DST}" 2>/dev/null | grep "^""${DST}""[^:]" | awk '{print $1}' | grep [^0-9]12$`
mount "$EFIPART" /mnt   
OLD_UUID=`cat /mnt/efi/boot/grub.cfg | grep -m 1 "PARTUUID=" | awk -v FS="(PARTUUID=)" '{print $2}' | awk '{print $1}'`
# get PARTUUID of ROOT-A which is third partition
PARTUUID=`flock "${DST}" sfdisk --part-uuid "${DST}" 3`; sed -i "s/$OLD_UUID/$PARTUUID/" /mnt/efi/boot/grub.cfg
sync; umount /mnt 2>/dev/null
echo "EFI: Partition UUID $OLD_UUID changed to $PARTUUID"


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