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how to embed pdf on blogger

One of our readers requested us to figure out how they can embed PDFs in their Blogger blog. There are many ways through which we can embed PDFs or other documents like Microsoft Word, Spreadsheets, PowerPoint Slides, and Excel Spreadsheets into our Blogger Blog. However, Google Docs is probably the most authentic and reliable way of embedding the PDF documents in a website. Therefore, today in this article, we will show you How to Embed PDFs or any other documents in Blogger Blog Posts.

First, go to and Sign in into your Gmail or Google account so that you have the admin privilege to the documents that would upload from your system hard drive. 

After signing in to your Google account, the next thing is to upload a PDF file from your system hard drive. On pressing the upload icon from the left side panel a drop down menu will pop out which would consist of two options i.e. File and Folder. Just select “File” and head to the next step.
Now it will inquire you to select the PDF (document) that you want to embed on your website. Now press the open button and move to the next step.
On pressing the open button a small upload wizard would appear on the right side of your screen. It usually takes a minute or two to upload, but it entirely depends upon the size of your file and the speed of your internet connection.
Once uploading is finished, click on the file name and it will take you to a new page. Before, you can embed the document you have to change the permission of the file to the public. Thus, select the share button displaying at the top right corner of your screen and change the permission of the file from private to open. 
Press change, and select “public on the web” so anyone on the Internet can find and access. No sign-in required. Finally, press the Save button to conclude the wizard. For detailed instructions, check out the following screenshot.
After changing the permission settings, now it’s time to grab the embed code. From the quick access tool bar select File >> Embed this PDF file. Now a new window will appear which would provide you the Embed code, copy the whole code and proceed to the next step.
After copying the code go to >> Create a new Post >> Select HTML Tab, and paste the code where you would like to see the document to appear. Now within the code that you pasted few moments a go search for /preview and replace it with /edit?usp=sharing. Now publish your article, and that’s it. See the following screenshot.
Be default the width of the document is set to 640 pixels while the height is set to 480 pixels. You can reduce the width and height according to your needs. You should now see a PDF attached to your blog posts along with some significant options like download and etc.


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