some download stuck at 99.99% , merge them regardless got to ~/.xdm-app-data/Data/*.state cat import os import re # Define the pattern to extract the segment number pattern = re.compile(r'seg-(\d+)-v1-a1\.ts') # Get the current working directory current_directory = os.getcwd() # List to hold tuples of (segment_number, filename) files_with_segments = [] # Iterate through files in the current directory for filename in os.listdir(current_directory): match = if match: # Extract the segment number as an integer segment_number = int( # Add the tuple (segment_number, filename) to the list files_with_segments.append((segment_number, filename)) # Sort the list by the segment number (numerical sort) files_with_segments.sort(key=lambda x: x[0]) # Open the filelist.txt for writing with open('filelist.txt', 'w') as filelist: for _, filename in files_with_segments: file...