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Winaero Tweaker

Winaero Tweaker
After years of development, I decided to release an all-in-one application which will include most options available in my free Winaero apps and extend it as much as possible. I would like to introduce Winaero Tweaker- universal tweaker software which supports Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1 and the upcoming Windows 10.

Note: the set of available options will depend on the operating system version you are running.
Version 0.2.4 is released, see the change log below.

Useful links for you

Winaero Tweaker's change log

v0.2.4 [Read release notes]

v0.2.3.2 [Read release notes]

v0.2.3.1 [Read release notes]

v0.2.2 [Read release notes]

v0.2.1 [Read release notes]

v0.2 [Read release notes]

v0.1.0.1 [Read release notes]

Initial release

Few screenshots

At this moment, Winaero Tweaker is a portable application and does not require to be installed. I plan to merge my other tools eventually with Winaero Tweaker. Winaero Tweaker is freeware.

Donate options for satisfied users:


  1. Ollie
    10 Apr 15
    I can't for the life of me figure out why it won't accept the startup sound I want it to use. It is in wave format and is 3-4 seconds long so if anyone could help me on why it won't work, I will be checking here daily for a possible solution. It is a line from GLAD0S saying "Welcome back. Testing is available." and it is placed currently in 'My Documents'. if anymore details are needed, I will respond when I can. Thanks. 
  2. Joel Christ
    12 Apr 15
    Just how the hell many times do I have to keep being told version 2.2.0 is out but get given 2.1.0? A few days ago was annoying. Today I'm getting seriously pissed off.
  3. Sergey
    13 Apr 15
    NP. Disable the update check in settings.
  4. doubleJ
    13 Apr 15
    Why does my taskbar go back to transparent, after a reboot, when I have Make Taskbar Opaque At Windows Startup checked?
  5. Sergey
    14 Apr 15
    Hello JJ
    Which windows version you are using? Windows 8 or Windows 8.1?
    32-bit or 64-bit?
    Can you check that WinaeroTweakerHelper is in your Startup?
  6. jima
    18 Apr 15
    Hey thanks for this little dirty tool!

    I have noticed that on Windows 8.1 the all-in-one tool does not contain the Ribbon tool

    Thanks again! Cheers
  7. Al Binewski
    12 May 15
    I have no need or interest in winaero tweaker, I just want the opaque taskbar thing to stop asking me to update after every startup, and I can't see any way to since I no longer have the installer and it isn't available. Is there a command line switch or something?
  8. Navion
    22 May 15
    Can this be used as a repair tool? Specifically: I have an Asus Win 7 Pro laptop with a hard drive that has 4 partitions: one 100 Mb that I presume is UEFI, two regular Windows partitions and a recovery partition. Whenever I start it, it comes up with the Asus Pre-load wizard, and there doesn't seem to be a way to get out of it. I can see that all the expected data is in the OS and DATA (regular windows partitions) but I can't seem to force the boot into the OS partition. (I tried using an OEM Win 7 DVD to use the "Repair" option, but because of the format of the hard drive, that wasn't available. )
  9. Nostromov
    31 May 15
    AWESOME program, tyvm!!  )
  10. purre4cake
    14 Jun 15
    FKN AWESOME PROGRAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. fr33jack
    15 Jun 15
    Win 8.1 x64 - After using (for test purposes) "Always show boot menu" and "Always show advanced boot options" in "Boot section" (I was turning off this after first restart), standard "advanced settings" via win recovery, advanced boot stopped working. It's just wont just keeps loading itself as normal. The only way I can bring back "boot options" is to check those via "boot options" in WinaeroTweaker...

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