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Bratz Doll Maker Creates New Models Intended To Trigger STEM Interest In Girls

Aug 12, 2015 09:39 AM EDT /By Hanna Sanchez

Bratz Doll Maker Creates New Models Intended To Trigger STEM Interest In Girls

MGA Entertainment, the company behind the popular Bratz dolls, has launched its newest line of dolls intended to expose children in STEM subjects. This new line is comprised of four dolls, with each representing one element of STEM.
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Bratz Dolls Seen for Sale
(Photo : Mario Tama| Getty Images News) Bratz Dolls Seen for Sale
MGA Entertainment has unveiled its newest line of dolls intended to expose girls in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). The Bratz doll maker's latest project, called Project MC², comprised of four dolls. Each doll represents a STEM element, Hayley Wilbur of Mashable reported.
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"The Project Mc² brand was developed in order to inspire girls that it's cool to be smart, leverage the growing trend of STEM," said MGA Entertainment CEO Isaac Larian.
The new dolls also represent the characters of the new Netflix Original series, Project Mc². Each doll has her own science experiment, which include blueprint skateboards, lava lights, volcanoes, and glow stick necklaces. They were also realistically designed to represent the different types of friends. They have different facial features, heights, and ethnicities, according to Jordan Wassell of Education News.
The Netflix show aims to let girls know that being "Smart is the new Cool," the company said.
"My goal with the Project Mc² franchise is to encourage girls everywhere to be interested and pursue S.T.E.A.M-based careers, so in my lifetime, I can see the CEO of Apple, Amazon or Intel be a woman," Larian said. "It is a dream come true for MGA to bring this entertainment franchise to life in order to empower young girls to learn, play and explore the world around them on all of the platforms where they are engaged; from retail, to TV and online."
The show follows the lives of four girls as they join NOV8, a spy group, and work together to save the day. Danica McKeller played the role of NOV8's leader. The actress has written several math-themed books to encourage teen girls. Education News reported that McKeller is excited to join the show, which challenges the stereotype that people cannot be fun and fashionable, and smart at the same time.
"Watching 'Project MC²,' which is targeted at girls 7 through 12, you'll get the message, 'I don't want to dumb myself down, because look at these girls. They're smart and capable and fun and popular and interesting, and that looks like the kind of person I want to be,'" McKeller said.


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