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planets myth


Astronomically, Rāhu and Ketu denote the points of intersection of the paths of the Sun and the Moon as they move on the celestial sphere. Therefore, Rāhu and Ketu are respectively called the north and the south lunar nodes.




That eclipses occur when the Sun and the Moon are at one of these points gives rise to the understanding of swallowing of the Sun and the Moon by the snake. Rahu is responsible for causing the Eclipse of the Sun


The Brihadaranyaka Upanishad (3.2) speaks of eight grahas and eight atigrahas in the body in the sense of grasping deities (sense-organas) and overseeing grasping deities (sense-objects). The eight grahas mentioned in the Upanishad are incoming breath (prana), speech, tongue, eye, ear, mind, hands, skin. Their overseeing grasping deities are apana (downward breath), name, taste, color, ear, desire, touch.


The Navagrahas are not the actual planets in the modern sense, although they are called planets. They are deities in the Cosmic Person with corresponding presence in the microcosm. Their positions in the body as well in the world influence the course of events both at the universal and individual planes." 


sun(surya) : courage, authority, willpower, and vitality

moon(soma/chandra) : ntight, plants and vegetation

mars(mangala) : diety of anger, aggression, as well as war

mercury(buddha/Soumya[son of moon]) :


Sukran (venus)

shani (satrun)




He was originaly one of the Asuras, who became immortal by drinking Amrit, disguised as one of the Devas but he was detected by the sun and the moon who informed Viṣṇu of the fraud.  He was decapitated by the discus of Vishnu. His head became Rahu, while the rest of his body became Ketu. This incident is chronicled elsewhere. He causes the eclipses of the sun, by eating Surya occasionally in revenge.


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